Friday, July 28, 2017
The Midnight Ride by Eva S
One day at Starlight Roundabout there was a festival going on for the new moon coming up. But what they didn’t know was what would happen when the daylight sun went down. Later on, fog went around the festival. Then all of a sudden a smash, bang came from the roundabout. Then someone screamed pointing at seven zombie roundabout horses. Blood was in their mouths and human bones could be seen in their mane with blood dripping down. Then the horses leapt to the children with their mouths open ready to take a bite of their fleshy smooth skin…
Meteor Shower by Victor
One day I was at home. When all of a sudden a meteor shower came. It crashed into houses and set them on fire. So everyone ran as fast as they could. I called the fire station but they were busy drinking coffee. So we ran as fast as we could. after an hour of running the firemen came and took out the fire. So we went back home. I went to my room and read a book.Then I ate dinner and went to bed. I dreamed about the meteor shower and how the firemen saved us.
Hello I am Elizabeth by Carmen
Hello, i am elizabeth
If you are reading this i am dead so let me explain. i walk into our new mansion, i was walking around the corridors i started hearing sounds, screams, voices i started going closer to them … and that was my mistake. they started getting louder, when all of a sudden i started heering footsteps behind me they were click clacking on the marble floor i stopped and turned around there towering above me was a man in a black suit i run i started writing this i heer him coming, wait he is heer ahhhhhhhh.
The Giant Rainbow by Jayden
There once was a dude named Jeff he loved rainbows but he’d not seen one in his life because he lived in no colour land where everything was faded. So he searched up on the internet how to summon a rainbow, after 24 hours of research, HE FINALLY FOUND OUT!
He had to say RAINBOWS ARE AWESOME! 5 times and a rainbow would appear so a day later he went outside and shouted “RAINBOWS ARE AWESOME!!” 5 times, nothing happened he waited 10 seconds he was giving up
a rainbow appeared, and that's how no colour land was named colour land.
The Smelly Adventure by Keagan and Elliot
One sunny day there were two boys called Elliott and Keagan. They liked to go on lots of adventures! Then one day they went into the dark gloomy woods. They were wanting to find something exotic.
Then all of a sudden a humongous wolf came crashing out of the woods trying to attack them. THEY RAN FOR THEIR LIVES!!! The wolf suddenly stopped and said, “I smell terrible. Can I borrow some of your deodorant?” The boys were amazed, but did search their bags for deodorant. Keagan found his first.
“Here, take my deodorant.”
“Thanks” said the wolf, “now I won't stink the pack up.”
The Road by Emily
Rylie was walking slower and slower down the road. People say there is something weird . Spiders, bugs, witches and zombies. But, Rylie thought something different. As she was walking she heard footsteps creeping behind her. She looked behind, there she was a short woman, white dress and a stick, the creepy woman walked closer. She saw her shadow creeping up to her. She started running for her life, fearing to be caught and killed. She ran and ran, but then she bumped into something. A whole village. All of a sudden there was the revolting witch, her life was over...
Thursday, July 27, 2017
The Cat Chapter 1 by Caitlin
It all started at the SPCA. It was a cloudy day and the SPCA we went to was very small. We drove in the car and went on the road to Waikanae but only went a little way to get there. We parked the car and entered the shop. Mum asked the lady at the counter “Where are the cats?”
“They are in that cage, I’ll just go open it for you.” So she did. When she did we walked in, when all of a sudden a cat walked up to us, her name was Milly. We took her home.
The Devil by Troy
One day Ben (a mouse) was scurrying along the streets of a mouse village when all off a sudden a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. “What just happened!” squeaked Ben.
“Well a rainbow appeared obviously” answered Alex.
“Yes it is obvious but it’s not sunny or raining”.
“Oh” “good point” said Alex. Then right after Alex said that a gigantic devil appeared on the rainbow.
“Oh my gosh” said Alex and Ben at the same time.
“Jinx padlock you owe me a slice of cheddar cheese” squeaked Ben.
“Ben!” shouted Alex.
“What?” asked Ben “there's no time to be silly OK”
“Fine” said Ben.
The Day I Went Fishing by Havana
The waves crashed against my yacht.
I stared beyond the horizon wondering what mysterious creatures lurked beneath the sea. The boat rocked as my stomach danced around inside.
The sun shone down on my neck as I waited for my line to move.
All was still. All was quiet. I set my feet up and started to doze in the afternoon sun. When all of a sudden the boat started violently shaking.
Out of the water sprang the biggest shark I had ever seen! I jumped up just as the shark tried to bite my leg. This was not the relaxing afternoon I was after.
The Sleepover by Caterina
One day there lived a girl called Emily. She was going to her friend Gemma's house for a sleepover. She was so egg …. cited!
As soon as Emily got to Gemma’s house they had pizza for dinner, then they watched a horror movie. After that they both went to bed. Gemma was really tired so she fell asleep straight away, WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN Emily heard a noise coming from the window. She was scared to have a look, bravely approached the window.There was nothing there, so she went back to bed. But she was so scared that she couldn’t sleep!
Lovely Candyfloss! By Jake
One day we were having some popcorn at the annual fair in Townsville when the speakers burst out saying “candyfloss explosion in 10 minutes in the playground”.
Suddenly everyone started to run to the playground ‘Mum come on let's go’ I said.
‘OK’ said Mum. We started to run to the playground. Then we sprinted until we finally got there.
Then the countdown started “ten, nine, eight”, everyone joined in “seven, six, five, four, three, two, one”. When all of a sudden BANG! Out came the candyfloss. Everyone started eating candyfloss. Once everyone had finished we all had a sugar high and were spinning around!
The Merry-Go-Round by Logan
On Saturday my mom saw an ad on the tv, a fair in Wellington on Sunday that is running all day!
The next morning we got ready to go to the fair, half an hour later we were there. There were thousands of things to do there. First I went on the exterminator roller-coaster ride. When the day was about halfway through I went on a merry-go-round so I paid $2… I hopped on….it started to go round and round…..BOOM! The bars broke off the horse and the horse took off and ran into the forest never to be seen again.
How I Died by Ilja
My life is gone.
I’ve been dead for years.
But to know how I died we have to go back to the beginning.
It was dark and I was running away from a creature black as night. No matter how fast I ran it caught up, some how. Running, running faster and faster. The fastest I had ever ran. I was about to lose the creature when all of a sudden a cliff edge appeared. I turned around ‘WHAT DO YOU WANT?!’ I shouted he replied ‘YOU!’. I had no choice I jumped.
Now I remember it was a…
Oh no it’s back.
Loss by Charlie
Once there was a boy called Bob he lived in Pompeii. He had lots of friends and was a funny boy. He liked to be cheeky like me. But one day he heard a noise and looked out the window and saw the site he worst feared .“The volcano's erupting” he yelled but everyone thought it was one of his jokes, so they just laughed.
The lava was rolling down the hill towards them. “Can`t you hear those screams?” Bob shouted “We have to get out fast.”
Suddenly the lava broke through. None survived in the village. Today Pompeii is dusty brick.
The Chamber Of The Minds by Morag
A long time ago in 1843 The Chamber Of The Minds still existed.
You will find it in a long lost village of Bencalshin on the north east of Asia. It is high up in the mountains on the peak of Mount Bencal but to get there you have to hike for about three weeks and face deadly challenges!
The consequence of this was explained when Dorothy Griffin took a daring adventure to go up the mountain and find this mysterious Chamber. When all of a sudden Dorothy went missing. The myth says she died a tragic death. Some say that she is still alive.
Good and Evil by Sofia and Lyla
There lived a little girl called Gretel. Gretel was collecting colourful shells for a necklace for her mum, when all of a sudden she stood on something sharp. It was an evil wasp sent by Murter, an evil witch. The wasp was in a trance made by Murter. When she stood on the wasp, her heart turned evil as well.
Gretel changed her name to Evilla. She went to the land of witches to meet Murter. “Welcome Evilla. I have been expecting you.” Said Murter. “I know you have.” Just then she stepped on a butterfly and turned good again!
Deadly Chewing Gum by Lukas
Phil was a hooligan. But most of all he loved chewing gum. But today he had none left. Phil was walking down the street when all of a sudden he saw Lebron. Phil caught up to him and noticed gum sticking out from Lebron's pocket. Phil quietly crept up on Lebron and snatched the gum out of his pocket and ran. After a second he heard Lebron shout: “Don't chew the gum!!!” But Phil never listened to anyone. He quickly put the gum in his mouth and ….. farted. When he farted the twentieth time he realized why Lebron didn’t want him to chew the gum.
The Scary Sleepover by Kate
Once there lived three girls called Kate, Gemma and Caterina. One day Kate invited Gemma and Caterina to her house for an awesome sleepover. When Gemma and Caterina got there they rang the doorbell and someone wearing a zombie mask answered the door. They were scared stiff! The two girls screamed and ran away. When all of a sudden, the zombie ran after them shouting. “It's only me “explained Kate.
So then all of the girls went back to Kate's house and had a really awesome sleepover like they planned on having . They did each other's nails and had fun.
So then all of the girls went back to Kate's house and had a really awesome sleepover like they planned on having . They did each other's nails and had fun.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Break Free by Sofia
The magical merry-go-round was ready. As everyone went to open the gates the horses on the merry-go-round started to twitch. When all of a sudden the biggest one broke the tough rope and was off. All the others followed suit and ran into the woods. “Now we wait until sundown and then we strike for freedom” the leader said. When sundown came they all charged feeling the freedom around them. When the magical merry-go-round lifted them up a surge of panic went through the horses. Their taste of freedom didn’t last as they got secured back onto the magical merry-go-round.
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Prison Break by Caleb
One day in prison a man named Jeff broke his cell bars. One of guards heard him break the cell bars and got out his gun. But Jeff was fast h...
My most treasured item is medium size. It is round and it does not stretch. It does not open; it bounces. You can throw it to someone an...
Once there was a Pug who liked daffodils and movies. One day he got sucked into a movie. He was driving a car on a huge bridge that fe...
I've been friends with him for 3 years. I play with him whenever I want. It bounces, jumps, rolls away from me but I always catch up to...