Wednesday, September 20, 2017
The Mysterious Bucket by Luke
One night at the crime scene, bottles, glass, blood everything you think of was there and in the corner of the room was a bucket, with a glass bottle in it was just leaning against the wall. The police left it there but wasn’t sure that the bucket was ordinary. When the two policeman jeff and Bob got back to the police station, they waited on their chairs. “ why does this feel like hours or months even” bob moaned “ BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN HOURS” REPLIED JEFF. then the bucket appeared at the corner of the room….. GONE
Cole's 100wc
The machine roared into action and I heard a yell of excitement from the room next door. The man who had yelled from the other room. “It’s finally complete!” he screamed. The creation in front of me was a purple square box. A weird pink aura came off it. It was the very first shrink machine. A carefully crafted box that could shrink anything to four centimetres high. The man, my dad, and I had made it and now we could test it. “You first son” my dad said to me. I clambered into the big pink box.
Scarlett's 100wc
I wake up with a jolt, I feel like i have been asleep for a long time, I look around, I am in wonderland! Suddenly a shadow appears behind me, it's not my shadow, it's seems to have wings, everything seems to darken but the shadow remains still, the shadow seems to grow and it takes the form of a… “aaaaagh” I scream, because I know if I look into its eyes won’t have very long to live, suddenly the ground opens beneath me a I fall down with a shower of coloured glass. I’m safe, from that weeping angel…
Ben's 100wc
Bobby arrived at the scene him and his partner Ybbob were investigating the lamp murders. All the murders had 2 things in common they were lamps (obviously) and there were beads at the scene if there were beads here it would have been the 10th kill on the case. Bobby looked around the scene and knew this was the 10th. Tough this time it was different there was a note it read ‘the tenth has come for it is time to use the lime and destroy the plum’ Ybbob stepped back mumbling ”no no no ” then suddenly everything went green
The Broken Mystery by Finja
Once upon a time, wait… Let’s start the story with a different sentence. So, I was trotting down the lane when it hit me. The park! I had to get there quick! So I galloped over to the park and saw my stallion friend, Beauty, staring into nothing as if something was there that I could not see. I asked her if something was wrong, but she didn’t answer. She just shook her tail back and forth, creating a soothing rhythm. She whinnied loudly. I woke up, and saw a shattered vase and pebbles lying in the hay…
The Mystery Dream by Lotta
One day I was walking happily along the lane next to the road when I saw my best friend, Prince, staring at something guiltily as if he had done that something and it was bad to do so. “Did you do that?” I asked. He turned angry and was about to bite me…
That was when I woke up. I had sweat all over me and was terribly frightened. There was broken glass and tiny little pebbles were everywhere. There were all sorts of colourful pebbles, and a little white statue.
Oh no… I thought, terrified.
Georgia's 100wc
You fall underground. You don’t remember anything. You don’t know who you are or where you live. All that runs through your mind is, “I’m determined. I must carry on.” You walk forward. You don’t make contact with anything. You don’t talk or touch anything.
You have reached something you cannot pass. A legendary barrier. You decide to go back and befriend everything. It may change your destiny. It does. You gain the power to reset everything. You do. You “play” again differently. Now you know, your name is ____! The barrier shattered into colourful balls. You’re now free, ____!
The Bead Lantern by Manon
Edwin hurriedly walked past the table on which held her grandmother's most prized possession,the bead lantern ,( a lantern filled with colourful beads.)But her elbow touched it and made it topple onto the tiled floor and shatter into a thousand tiny fragments of glass! Edwin was horrified at what she had done.No sooner had it had smashed a set of her grandfather’s little model builders sprang up and started sorting the beads into colours and then size! Edwin was so surprised she pinched herself ten times to see if it was real.Then they took away the beads...
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
100WC Georgia
*You put your umbrella onto the statue.
*Inside, a music box begins to play.
*I… I know this... After falling into the Underground, I heard this when he, ASRIEL found me.
*When Mum made us butterscotch pie, when we knit that sweater for Dad.
*And when we accidentally poisoned him with buttercups when we mistook them for cups of butter.
*When I killed myself so Asriel could take my soul and cross the barrier that keeps monsterkind underground.
*And when we collapsed on the golden flowers.
*So, what lies ahead of us now?
*Well, maybe...
*You’ll bring me back.
100WC Ivy
As I trudged up the long painstaking muddy hill I thought to myself would this ever end? Finally I reached the top my eyes could not believe the wonders I was seeing. You might be asking yourself ‘so, what lies ahead of this muddy slop.’ Under this slope lay 15 men. Seven of the men resembled the rich cruel half of the world that lives only for money. The other seven resembled the poor, and the slaves that will do anything for hope. And in the middle that one last man resembled love. That is what lay ahead of me.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Dark Gloomy Woods by Keagan
One sunny day there were two boys called Keagan and Flynn and Keagan’s dog Max. They were going to a dark gloomy wood but Flynn was too scared to go in so he started walking backwards Keagan said “So what lies ahead? Come on Flynn” so Flynn then came into the woods. Luckily Keagan brought his flashlight so they could see where they were going. Max was wagging his tail like crazy. Flynn started getting paranoid so he started hearing stuff and repeatedly saying “what’s that?”
Keagan said “there’s nothing there.” He turned to Flynn and said “let’s go home”.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
The Night Fright by Eva S
One night there was a full moon, it was a foggy night in Auckland not a sound was anywhere. All was quiet until a growl came from the park everyone was asleep and did not hear all except a girl called Tina.
Tina was a spoiled girl and she would tease people at school for being poor. So after hearing that sound she went outside to see what the noise was and then she screamed. Frankenstein was in front of her then he picked her up and ate her leaving a huge mark of a foot on the dirty ground.
The Bad News by Havana
“Cooper.” exclaimed the news reporter. “Thanks Hillary, there has been sightings of strange blue creatures with frothing green mouths in the small town of Somerset in England. We have talked with some of the locals that have supposedly seen the alien with enormous paws. They have also seen some unnaturally large footprints that they think have been there for more than ten years! That would mean that the aliens have been with them for ages! It is now declared by the military that Somerset is in grave danger.” THUMP. “Sorry but I think that the mysterious monster is just outside! “
Was it Bigfoot? By Emily
One day Lilly was playing fetch with her dog Cinnamon. As soon as Cinnamon started chasing for the the ball there was a sudden BANG! Cinnamon had tripped over in what looked the bigfoots foot! But was it. “Oh no Cinnamon are you okay” Said Lilly in a worried voice, Then she remembered dogs can’t talk”OHHHH I’M SO DUMB!” she shouted, Suddenly there was a big BOOM then an even louder BOOM each step this mysterious monster took there was a bigger boom then Suddenly a BIG!!!! clown come out with giant feet and stepped on Lilly and Cinnamon.
Bigfoot by Charlie
One day I was walking in the park and found a pair of mammoth footprints.
I went home and told my big brother he said “ya know how you seen that bigfoot thing” “no he doesn't actually have big feet” I interrupted, I saw the movie when I was 10. I went down to tell my adventures dad.
We went to the park with me to have look. SUDDENLY a monkey to big to be a gorilla attacked my dad! but he whacked it IT WAS BIGFOOT!! There`s bite on dad`s shoulder (dun dun dun)
Footprint by Tom H
One day after going in the tunnel and chatting with mole people I saw a footprint. It wasn't huge like the monsters I fought ages ago but still It was ½ a foot long. Blimey it was massive I was worried when Fred the gardener threw a microwave at me and said ,”BEWARE EHT TSAEB TAHT STNUH TA TIGHNT DNA LLIKS RSELEVEARTS DNA”. I was horrified I ran screaming when I saw it, wait oh what Fred was saying was backwards “beware the beast that hunts at night and kills travellers” .Cripes It chased me until It got knocked out.
The Footprint by Chiaki
Once there was a boy called Bob. One day Bob went for a walk in the streets then he came to a field people playing football. When the game finished Bob heard a massive sound going THUMP THUMP THUMP! Bob ran and his shoe slipped off but then the sound went away when Bob went back to the field. There was a massive hole in the middle of the field it was so scary that Bob nearly fell back. he ran home and said to his mum “mud!” m! Big news there’s a massive hole in the football field.
The Holes by Risha H
I was sleeping on a windy night. It was really loud, suddenly I heard something downstairs, somehow it was louder than the rain. I decided to ignore it.
Next morning I went for school, I heard the same bang and thump downstairs, I went downstairs as I was not scared like at night. I didn’t see anything. I heard nothing. I went to school thinking that nothing was wrong.
I explored the field, something caught my eye two big holes in the ground, I ignored it, suddenly they expanded making me fall into them, I wasn’t to be seen again...
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
The Deadly Footprint by Jake
One day I was walking along the beach with my friend Craig. When suddenly the sand started to float and it all flew right into my shoe.
I looked down in my shoe and I saw my feet had grown to the size of elephants feet! It looked like the sand had morphed into my legs and feet.
I screamed but no noise came out. Craig looked at my feet and ran away. I was walking back to my house but when I stepped I flew so high I swear I could off touched the clouds. Then I woke up.
Midnight by Troy
In the middle of the night Ben heard
“What was that?” shouted Ben
“I don’t know go check in the morning!” answered his mum.
In the morning Ben went outside to see what had happened in the night and he saw huge foot prints as big as a fully grown man!
“Mum it was made by a giant!” yelled Ben.
“The noise last night was a made by a giant!” yelled Ben (slightly exasperated).
“Wow it was?”
“Yes” said Ben (gritting his teeth).
The next night Ben looked outside for the footprints but they were gone.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Giant Footprints by Caterina
One lovely sunny day there was a girl called Sophie. She was taking a walk to town because she was meeting some nice friends of hers.
Along the way she had to walk along a muddy football field. In the middle of the field she fell in a massive hole SLUDGE! It was more like a GIANT footprint but instead there were two of them! I put my shoe next to the huge holes to compare the two sizes. The other ones were way bigger they were like elephant footprints! After that she still wonders who did this and why!
The Footprints by Jacob
It was snowing and me and my sister were out side playing together happily. Then by mistake I pushed her over in the snow.
From then on me and my sister didn't want to play
together ever again, and I was so sorry.
But one day sunny I was walking and I saw these big footprints they were as big as an elephant's foot. I stopped. I thought. I ran home and told my sister to come and look.
She came and just in time, because there it was, the BFG! From then on we were friends forever.
The Giant by Tom S
One rather stormy night when I went to sleep, I had a dream about a huge giant trying to attack my house.
The giant’s footprint stepped on the roof smashing the roof tiles apart. It was trying to get in the house.
Then I heard a bang!!!! The ground shook.
I shook because of the vibration and the sound. I tell myself it’s just a dream.
When I woke up I went outside with my dog and I saw 2 big footprints. It made me feel that it was real and NOT A DREAM! I screamed and ran back inside.
Midnight Giant by Zara
One stormy night a giant came down from the sky and decided to walked along the hill until “BANG”. He jumped up and landed with a… “THUMP”. Startled by the bang he had no clue why or what it was one thing he new the bang was as loud as lions roar. After that a girl came and saw him as he was about to wave midnight ended and then he disappeared. How you ask find out in chapter two when he comes back and they have an amazing adventure to find the lost tomb of the giants.
Giant Footprints by Mariam
I was walking on muddy grass. Suddenly I accidentally stomped
on a big puddle, but it looked like a GIANT footprint!
Then I quickly ran home. “MUM MUM !!!!!” I shouted. “Look what I
found in the park!” as I showed her a photo on my phone.
“What is it darling!!?” she asked.
“I found a giant foot print on the grass!”
Then mum and I RUSHED to the park. Mum got so surprised.
Mum said that it is nearly impossible for a footprint to be that big.
“Mum it must be an alien!”
SUDDENLY a big thump hit the ground.
The Big Foot by Jayden
I was going for a run I had ran like 1km but then tripped over something and then SMACK! I face planted on the ground, well I was going to stop anyway and looked at what I tripped over and OMG! I saw it was a BIG footprint I asked the person in front of me if he knew who made them he came back and he asked “What footprints” that was when I found out it was him! So I said nevermind and kept running but then I trip over another one of his footprints *sigh*
The Two Footprints by Keagan
One day there were two boys. They went to the park and they found these two massive footprints in the ground. They were thinking who put the holes there? One of them took off their shoe and put it next to the holes. They did a bit of research to try and figure out how it got there. It turns out that field use to be a football pitch. They decided to do a bit more research and it turns out that it was made by a pro-football player’s foot print. They were so excited because the boys loved football.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Bigfoot by Charlie
One day I was walking in the park and found a pair of mammoth footprints. I went home and told my big brother he said “ya know how you seen that bifoot fing” “no he doesn't actually have big feet” I interrupted, I saw the movie when I was 10. I went down to tell my adventures dad. He went to the park with me to have look. SUDDENLY a monkey to big to be a gorilla attacked my dad! but he whacked it IT WAS BIGFOOT!! There`s bite on dad`s shoulder (dun dun dun)
Into the Mud by Carmen
As the sky slowly become black i headed back to my office my boss came running up to me “detective alligator we have a HUGE problem go to Alaya park you'll see when you get there.” so i headed out to the park and there in front of me was a shoe? Not just a shoe a footprint to. But the weird thing is the footprints were bigger then the shoe so i picked up the shoe and it was a size 9 mens if it was bigger than a size nine, ha? Where do these lead? Oh no ahhhhhhhh!
The Laser Zap Diamond by Caitlin
All was still,except for the mining site where a giant stone was just cracking open...
“boom” the rock blasted open revealing ancient texts and one ginormous diamond! As the miners took a step closer,a screaming sound echoed through the walls of the cave. Up came a black wisp, suddenly he charged out of the cave screaming all the way. When he was free he split into two and both made tracks that looked like giant footsteps. ‘next morning…
“Sasha wylden was walking near muldenburg mine and found giant footsteps” said the news reporter.
The Footprints by Victor
Once I was playing tag with my friend. He was going home then the second he was out of view I tripped over and hit my head. “Ow” I thought Then I noticed I tripped up on huge footprints.Then THUMP THUMP THUMP. I turned around. There was a big human looking monster was coming my way. I ran away as fast as I could. So hid behind a shop. I thought I was safe but he just picked up the shop.’’Please don't kill me I said. But then it just a ball to me and we became friends.
The Shoe of Doom by Oscar
There was a town called Wallsmith. The mayor of Wallsmith was John, he was a tall blonde guy with a blue suit. Suddenly, there was a big BOOM, and a massive footprint scraped across the grass beside the Queen Maria Titanium Memorial Church. This is a bad omen, John was sure that it would destroy the town.
“My name is Apophis and I am the eternal serpent of Chaos, and I am here to destroy your town”! yelled the shoe/serpent/god.
“Look out John, Apophis is about to eat you”! cried a citizen. Sadly, too late John was dead.
Muddy Footprints by Lyla
I was walking on a muddy field when suddenly I slowly walked past two muddy footprints. I talked to myself in my head. “What could have caused this puddle of this chocolate???” I finally decided how to end that question… go on a mission and find out what this muddy footprint that looked like chocolate! I started to look around the muddy footprints. Then I realised that there was a shoe in the middle of the mushy, muddy, messy madness. Then I realised that the shoe was way smaller than the footprints. Was I dreaming right now?
To be continued...
The Footprint by Reuben
One day I was going for a run when suddenly, I tripped over something and face planted swallowing a mouthful of dirt. “Gross” I said spitting the dirt out of my mouth. I looked where I tripped over I couldn’t believe it, it was a giant footprint. But there was a trail of them, I followed the footprints leading into the bushes. “Buff” I had no idea where I was walking and I crashed into something hairy, I looked up and found a huge “Yeti!” I shouted. “No! Nooooo” I screamed. The yeti picked me up and ate me whole.
The Storm by Kate
On a dark, stormy night there lived brother and sister, Jackson and Jessica. On that dark and stormy night they went to go and get food in the storm.
They were very hungry and their parents couldn’t get any food because they died a couple of years ago. When they went out it was very dark and wet but luckily they had a torch so they could see. Jessica tripped over “ouch “ She said.
Once they looked down Jessica and Jackson both said”WOW! “. They got the torch and started to investigate it.They thought it was a giant’s footprint.
The Snake by Ilja
I was walking alone in the park, no-one there. Suddenly I tripped and fell. When I got up I realised that I was standing in giant foot prints. Suddenly I was being pulled down by something like a whirlpool sucking everything in, but I was the everything.
I screamed for help. When I stopped moving I got up and looked around, I was in some type of cave.
Mysteriously I started to hear a noise like a snake. “Ssssssssssssssss!” I turned around and screamed. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Suddenly something fell on the snake trapping it. CRASH! I had to get out. Quick.
The Probe by Flynn
One day NASA sent a probe into space hoping to contact alien life.
In the probe they put a shoe, a rubix cube, FUDGE and a tape saying that the probe was from earth, what galaxy Earth was in and that the FUDGE was for eating.
They waited for 100 years but on the 8/12/2025. Something burning was falling out of the sky. Aliens had returned the shoe and it landed on Donald Trump's wall, destroying it with a big BOOM!!!.
When the police arrived the shoe that they sent in the probe had made two big footprints.
Bigfoot by Lukas
One day I was walking in the park. It was quite peaceful until I looked at the ground and saw some kind of big footprints. So I walked home thinking about them and asked my neighbour if he knew anything about them.
He said “Yeah mate. I've seen those footprints before.”
I answered “What is it?”
“It’s called Bigfoot. I saw it when I was 12.”
At least I didn't see it. That day I went back. The footprints they were the size of a truck! I ran as fast as Usain Bolt, locked my bedroom door and stayed there.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Screaming in the Dark by Sofia
I was walking up the creaking stairs to the attic when I heard it, the air piercing scream. It was not that far away I froze at the sound, I wondered what that was. I ran, out the door towards where the screaming had been. That is where I saw them, two giant footprints with a small shoe next to them. Then I realised that my sister was missing. Oh, no, no, no! What was I thinking leaving her all alone in the night? I’m wasting my time fretting about it. I followed the giant footprints forwards, into the darkness.
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Prison Break by Caleb
One day in prison a man named Jeff broke his cell bars. One of guards heard him break the cell bars and got out his gun. But Jeff was fast h...
My most treasured item is medium size. It is round and it does not stretch. It does not open; it bounces. You can throw it to someone an...
Once there was a Pug who liked daffodils and movies. One day he got sucked into a movie. He was driving a car on a huge bridge that fe...
I've been friends with him for 3 years. I play with him whenever I want. It bounces, jumps, rolls away from me but I always catch up to...