Thursday, November 23, 2017
The Grim Reaper Has Returned by Jayden
You probably know the grim reaper I killed him, why? Because he scared the life out of me when I was making some toast, I had a knife on me so I stabbed him right in the heart, but he’s STILL alive!!! How do I know? Because I was camping in the bushes and I needed to go pee so I went but then he appeared and killed me so yeah its ghost Jayden talking, hello! So yeah after that a hired Medusa and that was expensive geez but so worth it when she turned him into stone, THANK GOD!!
Very Weird Story by Emily
I was walking through the green row of trees and found a piece of paper scrunched into a ball. So I un-scrunched it and saw the number one with writing next to it reading “ Follow the trees to a cottage”. So I walked down the row of trees to an old cottage and I found another note and this time it read “Go inside and pull the lever, close your eyes and count to ten, then open your eyes”. After ten seconds I opened my eyes, there were two trees with a man in a black robe. “AARGH!”
The Grim Reaper by Charlie
Once when I was strolling through the park, I saw a descendant of the evil lord Ignarock feared by all.
Why is he here? To kill me because apparently I carry the power to destroy Earth. THAT’S WHY!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is he dressed like this?
He is dressed like this because his face is a disgrace to his species of alien. Oh I forgot to mention they're not human. 
What am I going to do?
I need to hide somewhere… but where? I need to get out of this country now!
There he is, I’m dead.
“Please don’t please” “Aaaaaaaa rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhh!”
The Darth Maul Sculpture by Tom S
It had been years since the first Star Wars movie was made in 1977. In the park there were lots of other Star Wars sculptures, but Darth Maul’s was the most famous of all.
Everyday everyone crowds around him and take photos. It was made of hard stone and it was unbreakable.
It was surrounded by lots of Pine and Cypress Trees. In the night, when there was no one in the park. They would play tag and hide and seek.
The Darth Maul sculpture was in, it tagged the other sculptures quickly.
This sculpture is actually alive!
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Have you ever wished you could hide? by Eva
Have you ever wished you could hide?
Well hear is the solution, the statue.
All you have to do is place the statue somewhere. There is a button on the statue that will turn the light on in the machin. You pull the lever dangling from the front of the face of the statue. After you pull the lever, at the back of the statue a door will open and you can climb in.
Inside you can switch the light and it will turn on. You will see a big red button, if you push it the door will close.
The Grim Reaper by Lukas
One day me and my friend Jeff went to the park. We were playing football until things got creepy. A guy came up to us and we heard whispers.
We ran to the forest and we saw a red thing in the bushes it looked like a nose a clown's nose we looked behind us and there was a clown he said “you took my nose so I can have yours” “RUN”!!!!! I shouted we ran as fast as we could until georgie appeared and said “you float to” and pennywise killed Jeff. I ran and had no place to go I was trapped with the grim reaper.
The Shadower by Jake
“Wow look at that” I exclaimed.
“It’s spooky” said my friend. When suddenly the mysterious cloaked figure started to move. “Ahhhhhhh it moved” screamed my friend. Then suddenly the figure started to move towards us. “Run” I screamed. But before I could muster another word the cloaked figure was upon me. He quickly but swiftly moved his hand over my mouth so I couldn't speak. Suddenly I heard a sound “ bedo bedo” yes I'm saved I thought in my head. Then suddenly the cloaked figure left me and ran for the woods. The police pulled up and took me home.
The Frozen Shape Shifter by Morag
A black shadowy figure stood in a misty conner of the forest. It was statue still with and airy scent hanging around it.
When I got closer I noticed that it was human shaped but much, much taller.
He was silent and still even his cloke didn’t move.
This was one of the five shape shifters, frozen.
I knew this magical shape shifter his name was Dax Jones the most famous and loyal shape shifter, fox.
Dax was stock still, every inch of him frozen. I stretched out my hand and felt a solid cold shape in front of me.
Tom H's Explanation of the Figure
The image is a thing that is not and yet is real it has the power to go through time, space and dreams. It is a thing that is from Hell named #######.
It looks for elements to use so far it has fire, earth, air, water, plants and darkness then it will use those elements to fight its friends in tournaments.
People do not know it exists yet someday they will see it and say wow for 5 seconds then eat a bagel. it will return to its home in hell and have a battle with its brother in law.
Chiaki's Explanation of the Figure
Once there was a garden in a gloomy dark town that nobody went to because there had been a massive storm that damaged it. The garden was on the news so some people went to see what was going on. People yelled “hey what is this thing? It is a statue! Where did it come from?” People thought that it came from the sky. The next day the News reporter went to the garden and said “where is the thing gone.” He saw a shadow that looked like the statue and then he got killed and was never seen again.
Victor's Explanation of the Figure
There is a statue of a person in a black cloak.It is told in the legend that it comes alive at night and sees if they people are behaving. If they are not behaving it will grab you in the middle of the night and bring you to its lair and torture you. Then it will make you be its servant and make you do really hard things like bring him a ton of food and if it is not enough make you do it again. So don't be bad or he will take you away to his lair.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Matthew & Kael's 100WC
“But where would we hide it all,” said Kael.
“In the garden’’ Matthew suggested.
“Where would be the last place in this house where you would expect to find gold?.”
“At the front door.”
“No that's far too obvious,” Kael exclaimed. They waddled out of the house and started walking towards the road. It was a long walk down the drive but they both made it alive. Kael took a jackhammer and Matthew took the gold. Kael started digging up the road when Matthew said. “Once we've put the gold down there how will we cover the road back up?”
“ I don't know.”
“ meh screw this.”
Eva's 100WC
We did it, I heard someone yelling. I went towards the window to see what it was, and believe it or not someone had just robbed my nextdoor neighbours house. I ran down to mum and dad and told her what I had just saw from upstairs. She said that she didn’t believe me and said to go back to bed. So I went back to bed a little freaked out. I looked out my window and heard them say, but where will we hide it all...
Caitlin's 100WC
“Zoe that was close,” “I know we gotta hurry,” Me and Elfie continued on our mission, you could call it that I suppose. We were in our cabin, succes. But we had only planned so far, where would we hide it all? “Got any ideas Elfie?” I asked hopefully. But Elfie had that look on her face were she was on another world. Then suddenly her eyes widened “THERE!,” she whisper yelled. I saw she was pointing to our wardrobe, well we had nowhere else so we dumped the candy and went to bed.
Cole's 100WC
I know, I know. Robbing a bank is definitely one of the lowest of the lows. You have to be a pretty bad person to even try. But rest assured, I’m doing it for a really good reason. Well, me and Jon, that is. Jon is the other man assigned for the heist. We had just taken a bag of money each and were now edging our way out of the vault. Soon we could see the exit. “That was easy” Jon whispered.
“Yeah but where do we hide it all? I asked.
“We give it all to the boss”.
Georgia's 100WC
I was with a friend of mine, when I saw an odd-looking creature. The creature, it wasn’t there, but I saw it. Well, I sometimes hallucinate, so that must’ve be the reason.
“Excuse me miss, but you have won new electronic devices of your choice!” The animal started.
I felt amazed. I didn’t know why I won, but who cares?
“What about a drawing tablet and an advanced laptop? oh! And a PC too? But where would we hide it all?” I responded, ignorantly.
“Just kidding!” the animal screamed. Then he disappeared. Into pure nothingness.
It was just a hallucination.
Sophie's 100WC
I am going diving with my Dad to pick up the sunken treasure chest. What I was thinking was but where would we hide it all?, but first we actually need to get it first. The next day. “Yes, we’ve got it”, I exclaimed, excitedly. “Where are we going to hide it all”. Then I thought of an idea we can hide it in my toy chest. The next day I woke up to shouting, my dad was fighting with this man about the treasure chest, I wanted to interrupt but I knew that it was rude so I didn’t.
Matthew's 100WC
I was walking down the street, when a bag of treasure came flying out of nowhere and landed on the footpath in front of me. WEird?! On it, was a note saying ‘Steal Me’. So I did what any normal person would do. . . .
RUNNING DOWN THE road, TRYING NOT TO BE SEEN, I dove down an alleyway and leapt into a hole. “ I got treasure!”
I threw the Bag at my criminal boss.
“ But where would we hide it all?” he Asked. I paused. I was now faced with the biggest and baddest question of my life.!
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Natalie's 100WC
Me and Rishatain de Rani, my best friend, were lying on his bed wondering what it would be like to have a turtle. We had figured out that we had enough money to buy it and feed it. We knew what day we could take him to the vet. And our parents would never know. So after school we made a quick stop at the pet shop then brought our new turtle back to my house because my parents were at work. Then it pooped. So we took it out of his cage, but where would we hide it all?
Amberley's 100WC
“Right” I thought to myself “now is the time to put our plan to action” It was 7o’clock ot night and me and my brothers had this idea to sneak out and buy mum and dad presents well they were gone. “Right so Zac you will go get dad’s present and me and Callum will go get mum’s present and then swap. Comprendo”
“But where will we hide it all?” asked Callum
“Uh good question, I don’t know… In one of our rooms!” I exclaimed
“Good idea Amberley!” replied Callum happily
When we got back home we had barely made it...
The hidden puppy, by Manon
Katey was walking by the drinking fountain when she heard Evie say to Holly “ But where would we hide it all?” “Evie,are you sure this is a good idea?” Asked Holly.“Positive,how about in the spear locker next to Katey’s?” “Umm,OK.” Katey was confused,why where Holly and Evie hiding something? Katey rushed to the corridor next to where her locker was and pretended to tie her shoelaces when Evie and Holly rushed by with something in there arms. IT WAS A PUPPY AND ALL IT’S FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Katey jumped up and found herself saying “Can I help?”
Gilbert's 100WC
“but where would we hide it all?” I said to Ricky and Jeff “this loot we just ‘borrowed’ is worth millions!” “we should hide it in the toilet!” Ricky pinted out “or in the basement?” Jeff said convinced in what he said “lets hide it in the fridge!!!” I said ending the conversation “good idea boss!” Jeff and Ricky said we stuffed the cash and coins into the fridge quickly and then slammed the fridge door just as the doorbell rang. “My name is Bob I work for the smiths insuranse comper… SLAMB!!! Ricky shut the door.
Arya's 100WC
Slowly, we climbed up the mountain. Me, a 13 year old, and my 12 year old sister dragged the large bag behind us. Shortly, we would see the dragon, around a few more bends. Our guardian would be unhappy if we failed the quest. our quest was dangerous. We had to go into a dragon’s nest and drop the two dragon eggs, stolen by our guardian, back into it. “But where would we hide it all?” my sister asked. “We put the eggs into the nest then leave, remember?” i said.. We both wanted to be normal but we weren't.
Emily's 100WC
Jerry walked toward the phone and picked it up,
“Hello, You have won $1,000,000,000. bye.”
“Bark! Bark-Bark!” Barked Jerry’s dog, Aslan. He had just thundered through the door and he wanted a bath.
Jerry and Aslan travelled to the lotto shop to collect the money.
“But where would we hide it all?” He thought as they walked up to the lotto counter.
“Excuse me miss, I received a message from one of you saying I won”
$1,000,000,000” Jerry said
“Sorry, I heard that there has been a scam. You must be part of it.”
Ben's 100WC
“But where would we hide it all?” was the last thing my partner said before he got shot in the head. I ran knowing that I shouldn’t have stolen the power orbs from the negative matter plant. Okay, I’ll explain. 4 years ago in the year 2019 technology skyrocketed literally and metaphorically when the creation of negative matter. And that brings us to know... “Bang!!!” A shot whistled past me barely missing me. several more zoomed by in the next couple of minutes. I looked behind me and saw a bullet whizzing towards my head then the world went black
Monday, November 13, 2017
Ali's 100WC
IMPORTANT: this is not a story. About the important subject of handwriting. It’s a waste of time, paper, and people minds. So, I is time to reveal my amazing plan.Hide all the handwriting books! But where would we hid it all? All the pages can’t just disappear. We would have to blow up the factory, or maybe convince the factory to stop. If we make the factory think about all the poor sad trees dying it might work. Trees have feelings two! If everyone was more creative they would think that we can give our draft books two purposes.
Ivy and Bethan's 100WC
Digging like desperate moles, Robert, Joseph and Tracey were determined to find out what was behind the mysterious red construction tape.
After hours of pointless digging the trio realised they had got it all wrong, the fortune wasn't buried in the ground, it was the ground. Flakes of gold covered the ground like a blanket “ But where would we hide it all?” Tracey asked, “ No where” replied Joseph “we will just cover it in fake dirt and no one will know!”
And that’s what they did, to this very day the precious golden dirt sits there waiting to be discovered.
Annabelle's 100WC
I ran with the hidden objects under my arm. I was hoping that no one would notice. Thankfully no one did. I ran to the place Benjamin and I agreed to meet. When I found him, he looked worried.
“Did anyone follow you?” he said, grabbing my shoulder with a tight grip.
“No.” I replied.
“Good.” He let go of my shoulder. “But where would we hide it all?”
Now I was worried. Were would we hide it all?
“The abandoned house.” I said. We ran to it and buried the three items. Now no one would find them… hopefully.
Lotta's 100WC
Eating my Pizza,I felt depressed. Why had I been so cruel? Wishing I could start this month from the beginning, I was silent. I needed to do something. For getting new friends, for being mean to my BFF about being a dork. For people to like you, you do not have to be popular or pretty. I decided to walk over to Nory’s house. After knocking on Nory’s door, I heard footsteps getting closer. Then the door opened.“ANABELLA?!” It was Nory. “Sorry sorry sorry sorry! For everything!” That was all it took. I felt so happy that day.
Dominik's 100WC
“But where would we hide it all” asked Jim. See an hour ago, Jim and his friend Kim stole 15 million dollars from the bank but, now, they had nowhere to hide it and the cops would be on them in seconds. Kim suggested “How about we pick up all the money we can and run even if we lose more than half the money we will still get a fat stack of money!” They picked up all the money they could and started to get in the car when the police found them, quickly Jim stepped on the gas!
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Ghost Street by Toby
One cold dimly lit night a crowd of people walked down the street.
‘’Hey Tyler did you know there are ghosts haunting the streets’’ Jim said
‘’You're just trying to scare me’’ Tyler said worriedly.
‘’Stop saying that Jim!!’’ Tyler shouted.
‘’Do you feel that’’ Tyler said scardly.
‘’Do I feel what’’ Jim said startled
‘’That cold feeling on your spine’’ Tyler said.
‘’Oh it's just the ghosts’’ Jim said with a laugh
“Haha’’ Tyler said sarcastically.
‘’Och why did you do that Tyler’’
‘’Throw that rock at me’’
“I didn’t you are weird, it's a ghost’’
Gilbert's 100WC
I was walking through the paris streets at midnight when I saw something very strange I saw something like weird figures to me they looked like ghosts and they were ghosts! I said hello this one was an old man who looked reasonably friendly.
“hello young chap, what are you doing up at this hour?” he said in a calm voice
“I’m just going for a walk” i said in a high voice
“Fair enough” he mumbled
“Au revoir” he waved good bye
“This is my first encounter with ghosts!” i said to myself excitedly.
Ivy and Bethan's 100WC
It’s 12 o'clock, the new year is finally here my best friend ,Tracy Scone, is having a slumber party (we have the world record for the most slumber parties in one week). Sadly mom comes in and says we have to hit the hay. It usually takes me forever to fall asleep but I think I was so tired I just collapsed.
“Good mor-AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I scream “Where am I?” “There…There are ghosts everywhere” is this a dream? How can I get out? “I know” I turn around In fear but to my astonishment I see a transparent ghost of Tracey...
Sophie's 100WC
April 31st 1989, also known as halloween was a very weird day. People started to disappear. It all started when I was taking a walk in New York City and then all of a sudden people started disappearing, more likely becoming invisible. So, I went out to investigate what was going on. The reason why everyone was disappearing was they all drank Disappearing Doom. The cure was to drink Reaper Roar. The problem was we couldn’t find the drink but finally we found it. And it worked, everyone was back to normal. Hooray we all shouted. We all lived happily.
Huh? by Ali
Something stranger than strange itself, something seriously wrong. I was sitting with my friends in a cafe when I saw It. A man, with no head. Well when I say no head. I mean no head like what us humans would call a head. It was more like a snake skin fly battered old tissue . I ran over to the man and asked what had happened and he just stared at me, now this was really wrong, I hate it when people look at me. So, don’t ask me why I did this. I pushed him in the stone fountain.
Fireworks by Scarlett
Finishing my meal of roast beef and tomatoes, I slid off the stall I was sitting on and headed towards the centre of town, where the fireworks would start. When I got there the display was about to start. I took my place in the crowd and watched. The first one was a big red explosion, many of those followed. Next there were shapes, a green smiley face, a red heart and a blue hoop. There was one that went really high up, leaving a trail as it went. The ending ones were spectacular, they were huge, gold and magical.
Annabelle's 100WC
I was wandering in the streets, at about 10:30 pm, on the night of the show. Suddenly, I doubled over. Oh no. That means something bad, I thought. I looked up. Shoot. There were Killer Drifter Ghosts EVERYWHERE. I saw one drift in the direction of… Hamish. Please tell me that ghost isn’t going after Hamish, I thought worriedly. Turns out it was. I ran in Hamish’s direction, but I was never going to get there in time. I was right. Hamish crumpled into a pile.
“HAMISH!” I yelled. I ran to his side. He had stopped breathing completely.
The Italian Ghosts, by Amberley
“It was another hot summer night in Italy, but there was one problem…
I was out with my family for dinner when I heard a scream I asked my parents if they had heard but they said no and suggested that I go get some fresh air. When I went outside there were ghosts screaming some reliving how they died! Even inside the restaurant! I managed to stop myself from screaming. Well I was outside I asked some of the non-screaming/in pain ghosts what was going on they all answered
“This is the day of Hades, god of the underworld.
Zoe's 100WC
As the door slammed, I knew the judge was right, I would be here for 14 years. The memories of swimming with my children flooded in my head. There was nothing to be celebrated now, except for my daughter's birthday, which was tomorrow, but I wasn’t going to be with her, or was I.
That night I got taken away in my dreams, in the thought of being with my daughter on her special day. She was white in surprise, but then I got woken by the smell of flames. Will I ever see my family again? They're probably disappointed...
Thursday, November 9, 2017
The Portal to Ghost Town by Flynn
Once a boy was dreaming of finding a ghost. Not one in games, real ones. Everyone thought he was mad.
When he was an adult he became a scientist working in his scruffy old garage. Though his lab was scruffy over twenty years he had made a teleporter to another dimension.
He went into the portal and wham he was in a ghost town where every step he took felt like he was getting closer to fear itself. He could not take it so he left his dream behind and went back to his family to live a happy life.
The Haunted Street by Zara
One day a young woman called Felesi visited her old home town in London called Square street. It had changed over the years, she decided to take a photo of the street to show her kids and partner how much it had changed. When she saw the photo it was ghostly, it looked like ghosts were standing there. She took another photo, they was still there the haunting look of the ghosts. The third time she took the photo they were gone she ran to an apartment and hid. Just then BANG! The door swung open but no one was there.
The London Ghost by Charlie
Once a 12 year old boy named Harry was walking through London, with his friend Kyle. A cold gust of wind blew. “Let’s go to that place” said Kyle, pointing at a restaurant that had a picture of spagetti bolognaise.
“Ok” Harry said, When they walked in, there was a ghost hovering over a table trying to suck people’s blood,
“What the heck” shouted Kyle.
“Let's go, RUN!” yelled Harry
“I want to go home” announced Kyle.
“Nah do you want to come to to my house for a sleepover” said Harry
“Sure why not” said Kyle,
“Someone screamed” said Charlie.
The Ghost Street by Caitlin
Grunion St is a weird street. It has people who are pale as ghosts. Some people are ghosts! Grunion St is ghostly,creepy,spooky and haunted. It has mist at every door or turn. It houses the undead. There is no-one alive on Grunion St. It’s always night there. The people who live there are good people who can’t find their way to heaven.the people there are very friendly. So If you have a broken bone they will happily bandage it, and provide you with a place to lie down and heal. Have a great time on Grunion St!
Quiet Town by Carmen
This place is dark, gloomy, silent. This town is not a community, everyone is alone no one cares for one another. It seems like a double existence. No one stops to talk. It's eerie, suspicious like no one can see or hear anyone else. The only sound is the cluttering of footsteps and the faint sound of buses leaving the town. The sky is stained black with lies. The only gleam of hope is the few stars that shine on the cold town. Everyone seems depressed, no one turns their head to look around. This seemed normal. The quiet town.
The Mind Blowing Scene by Morag
One moonlit night in the town square I saw the most breathtaking sight: it was dark and spooky with ghostly towns folk everywhere. The people were faded and the buildings looked haunted could there be an army of ghosts living here? Whatever it was it gave me the shivers, a cold tingle went down my spine, was this the end of my short useless life. I wanted to hide from this spooky scene.
Misty figures passed by giving me hypnotizing stares, I pinched myself to see if I was awake but it was no use it was all perfectly true!
An eerie mythical place by Lyla
Once upon a dream, in this place called London, there was a eerie, mysteries, ghostly place called fade away town where everyone wishes they had never came in the first place. There had been rumours about people who were so brave, that they challenged themselves to go and leave there families and go to fade away town. Heaps of people went, and not one of those people ever returned. I am here today thinking about weather I should stay or if i should go and do an amazing report. Because I feel like this is the end or is it…
Ghost Poem by Eva S
Spooky as a silent pitch black night.
Ghostly as an abandoned town.
Gloomy as a misty cave.
Faded as a ghost seeking.
Alive as an eagle seeking out it’s prey.
Deadly as a wolf with sharp teeth.
Sparkly like all of the stars at a full moon.
Misty as a foggy night.
Beautiful as a moon shining light down below.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Ghost Village by Chiaki
Once there was a village in London. In 2007 I went to London I got there 8 o'clock in the night. I walked around this spooky old city I asked a man “is there any apartment’s here?” The guy replied
“are you stupid there are no apartment’s here.” I smacked my face because I saw the guy fly away and went through a rusty wall. I ran and I realized I was becoming a GHOST!!!!! I was panicking and a few years I got used to It and I was more happier because I got used to it.
London by Kate M
Once there was a girl called Kaia. She wore a white t-shirt, jeans, purple sweatshirt and black converse. One day her mum told her and her family that they were going to London tomorrow so Kaia started packing.
The next day they had to wake up early because they needed to get to the airport. When they got on the plane one of the flight attendants said it takes 24 hours but Kaia didn't care she was just really excited when got there they thought it was a ghost town but anyway they said they will have a good time.
Ghost City by Victor
I am at London. I think it is amazing until now. A ghosts went through me and I saw my body disappear I was really scared. “ HELP ME ANYONE PLEASE I BEG YOU!!!” I shouted. But know hered me as I dispersed. I went It looked around it was like hell And there where they were ghosts around me. So I ran and jumped of the edge and I was back in London. The ghosts were angry. So I ran to a ship and went on to it. So I got back to my home country and I was happy.
Ghost Town by Oscar
One dark morning on an abandoned street in London a man called Jason was driving a London bus. The time was 6am. Suddenly, Jason turned into the next street and stopped outside a shop called Woolhouse. When his passengers had got off, he drove down the street and pulled into the bus yard and got out. Then, he walked into the street down from the yard and walked straight into a fifty foot tall ghost.
“You are a miscreant, so you must die” the ghost rumbled, bringing a transparent fist down onto Jason’s head, killing him instantly, he was dead.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
A Ghostly Situation by Eliot
It’s very creepy this picture. It seems like a normal night, the lights are on in the buildings, everyone seems to be having a good time but if you look a bit closer something is probably going to be a bit of a fright.
There are two different types of people in this photo. The shadows and the flesh. The flesh people seem to have no idea about what is around them or what’s going to happen next, neither do the shadows.
Is this picture real or not???
Is this really happening???
Are you real or not, dun, dun, dun…….
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Cole's 100WC
Going to a festival is always fun. A fun fair where everyone's mouths were full of cotton candy. Well that’s where I am. I’d just come out of The Crystal ball. A small tent with a ball on a pedestal and a women kneeling next to it. The room had been filled with white candles, all lit with a small flame.
I’m not sure what was being celebrated at this festival but the whole thing lasted two days, ending tomorrow. I wasn’t going tomorrow though, me and my dad were going swimming. But for now, I was getting dutch donuts.
Sightless Tomorrow, by Natalie
Suddenly I could only see white, I knew what was happening, my friends had told me.
Apparently a child had won a swimming race, so she had celebrated with her family. The morning afterwards she woke up and couldn’t see anything but white. Later that day she went outside, looked up and saw a flame where the sun had been. Sightless Tomorrow , scientists had called it, and they were still trying to find out what it was.
As I looked down my bed I heard my cat, a dark brown splodge, meow. Obviously he was wondering what was going on.
The Phoenix, by Arya
Hurriedly, the swan drifted into the cave swimming quickly to escape, not wanting to be seen in his true form. As he was completely hidden from the rest of the peaceful, completely normal swans, he stayed and waited. He waited for himself to turn into a flame phoenix.This phoenix that he would soon transform into, was not a elegant creature helps people, but was in fact dangerous. No other swan knew of this phoenix’s existence. They just peacefully celebrated their happy lives. They didn't know what it was like to live another tomorrow, killing living beings without helping it...
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Prison Break by Caleb
One day in prison a man named Jeff broke his cell bars. One of guards heard him break the cell bars and got out his gun. But Jeff was fast h...
My most treasured item is medium size. It is round and it does not stretch. It does not open; it bounces. You can throw it to someone an...
Once there was a Pug who liked daffodils and movies. One day he got sucked into a movie. He was driving a car on a huge bridge that fe...
I've been friends with him for 3 years. I play with him whenever I want. It bounces, jumps, rolls away from me but I always catch up to...