It was on wednesday that the burger store had a half price deal on for super large burger, this caught the eye of pusheen. She walked down the road to burgerton. she swiped her card and got a forever burger voucher before sitting down at the nearest table. When her burger arrived she got a huge surprise. The burger had a button on top. She pushed the button to see what happened. A claw shot out of the large burger and plonked pusheen on top of it. A nearby customer snapped a photo of pusheen and that is how the Image was made…
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017
100 Word Challenge by Flynn
“We are going on a adventure”!!! “ were to”. “THE JUNGLE”!!!
minutes later. “THIS IS SO FUN!!!, but is that a big wide orange and black tiger?” “RUN”!!! “Alright I think we are safe now.” are you sure because I think I see a crocodile.” “RUN!!!”
hours later.
“Alright now that we are home nothing can go wrong, right???” “come on let's get some ice cream from the freezer to cool off.” thats a great idea” “this ice cream is great” then the Ice cream collapsed all over one of the men to revel a worm within the ice cream aaaaahhhhrrrrggg.
So Sad by Reuben
Once upon a time there was a wide fat boy named Jeff. He loved eating pies. One day he was walking up a mountain suddenly he slipped and fell on a ledge then he saw an orange crocodile. The orange crocodile looked at Jeff, then the orange crocodile came running at Jeff, within four seconds Jeff would be eaten by the weirdest thing ever. “I need to get up” Jeff thought to himself. Jeff got up he run for his life, but he collapsed on his first step. “ crap” Jeff said. “CHOMP” “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my arm !!!” Jeff cried. “Yummy yummy Blood”
My Jungle Adventure by Troy
I need to tell you I’m not a person I’m the last living dinosaur. This story is about went I went into the jungle and saw rare crocodile. Now let's get started on the story. I was walking through the jungle and I saw a orange crocodile. So when I saw it I snapped at it a second later collapsed within my jaws then I ate it “that made me wide!” I thought. “But it was filling, so it was worth it”. Suddenly a crocodile leapt out of the bushes and started snapping at me.
The Bridge by Caitlin
A new bridge had been built over crocodile river which use to have beautiful orange fish. The bridge had a width of 5 meters wide and within that was 2 lanes of traffic that moved very slow so people could see the river below. Yes the new bridge has a very nice view. The bridge collapsed 5 years ago and killed all the fish and other animals in the river now there are new fish in the river. From the view you can see the pretty river from a small heights. The bridge is located in Porirua. You should come to the bridge!
Tater Lake by Morag
The crocodile by Victor
the EVIL thing by Chiaki
Once there lived an crocodile called Snaper. He lived in a huge wide jungle. One day he went hunting in the wild he caught a orange bird that was already dead. So he just ate it .When he ran back home his mum collapsed and he called the ambulance and they took her for 4,000 years snaper had nothing to eat within his hand but leaves to eat. Then he went hunting to look for some food and he ran to look for his mum he found his mum and stayed a bit and went home
100 word Challenge by Tom H
“Yeah i know i'm a crocodile but i i just really need this!” i said QYS^*^$47349845999929YFHB^&O ( said “ i would not let you in my home let alone my corrupt:.file.entity:.:..1.4.5 area/workplace “Mr Q you wide orange entity i am getting out of your stupid area and going back to my swamp!” i said. I pressed fail and the whole building collapsed. I went back to my swamp and within it i saw my family and my friends’ Who all had been fired by Mr Q. Even though he was my sisters boyfriends cousins uncle ‘ he’s mean
(the thing i needed was a ( CLASSIFIED)
Shooting Star by Eva S
There was a type dog called Sville which was within the star swirl forest it was called that because every month shooting stars would swirl down into a wide orange lake which was forbidden to go near because in the lake was Touthone the most dangerous crocodile in the world. Normally Sville would hide in the forest away from hunters trying to hunt for Sville but this time while Sville was running away from hunters he collapsed in a trap the hunters approached, then Touthone went up to them and frightened them off. After that he helped Sville up and Sville hugged him.
The end of the world by Emily M
Susan was taking a tour around the world, she stopped in Australia and saw a wide orange crocodile. It looked at her and then it collapsed within a second, susan kept on walking. Suddenly the crocodile talked!”Why weren’t you going to help me!?”
“Y-you are t-ta-talking!?”
“So??!! Why are you surprised?”
“Nevermind heh...”.Susan ran off! The crocodile started to cry “Hello darkness my old friend I have come to talk to you again”, it turned around and collapsed again “WHY!!!!!!”. Susan ran off to her next plane but she was too late so she got her magic carpet and flew away ”Bye!”.
OWC ( Random Sentences) by Risha H
My name is Mr. Wide Crocodile.
I hate orange.
My home collapsed.
I’m now within a wall.
I like lettuce
I like texting, all I say is “Lol”.
I eat food.
I am in the wild.
Though my favourite shop is Best-Buy.
I have a pet rock.
I like books.
I am a reptile.
Who am I going to send this letter to?
I have money.
I have a computer.
My wall has Ultra Fibre Wifi.
I am not bragging.
I am going to turn this letter into a song.
I use Chrome not Safari or FireFox.
I am ending this letter here.
100 Word Challenge by Keagan
Once upon a time there was boy called Keagan, who liked to explore within Australia. His dog's name is Max, his fur was orange. Max always came with him on his exploits. The reason for his dog coming with him on his explorations is to sniff out bombs and protect him. The first week he was there with his dog started trying to building shelter he found quite hard because he was doing by himself. One unfortunate day Max stumbled across a enormous crocodile. The crocodile was quite wide. Then his dog decided to chase the crocodile when it collapsed.
100 word Challenge by Tom S
Once there was a man with stinky rotten teeth and his name was Tom.
As he felt people didn’t like him he decided to travel to Brazil to explore the country.
He was stupid because he swam in the wide dangerous Amazon river.
An angry crocodile came up and bit his hand, luckily it didn’t come off. When he got out of the river he ate a big sweet orange from the tree. While he was eating the orange he saw many beautiful birds fly past. When he got back to his home country he told his story and became famous and rich author.
100 Word Challenge by Risha S
Risha and Emily was learning a cool trick when they saw a crocodile coming towards them.
They were so frightened that Risha collapsed off Emily's shoulders and broke her leg,
Emily was so worried she picked Risha up and took her to safety and ran home.
“ that was the scariest. Thing Iv ever been in the whole wide world” Emily whispered
“The crocodile was orange and it had sharp teeth” said Emily to her mum,
“I was within a dangerous predicament, well I hope Risha safe well she's in a wide place, I think I should go back to get her”
The unexpected visitor by Lyla
One day I was having dinner when suddenly I heard a knock at the door.
“Who could that be at a time like this?” I said to myself quietly. I opened the door. Just then I almost screamed. Right in front of me was a huge crocodile. I collapsed sideways.
“ Hello, may I have a orange please? He asked politely.
“Uh sure, I guess.” I gave him a orange. He took the orange and bite it. Within the Orange there was a wide seed.
100 word Challenge by Sofia
“...And the world collapsed” Lucy finished excitedly, “but what happened to the crocodile?” Joe asked. “As this is all we know, some think when the world collapsed the crocodile vanished but some think the crocodile still roams the land.”
“What do you think” asked Alex
“that’s a good question. I think the crocodile lives within a castle at the edge of the earth. The castle is so wide you can’t find the end of it” Lucy finished. “Time for bed” shouted dad from the kitchen. “Oh, I’ll wear my orange pyjamas” Lucy said “night” said Alex and Joe at the same time.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
My Adventure by Ilja
I was walking through the jungle when I came across a wide river. I could have swam through but there was a crocodile, so I kept walking. Then I came to an orange dam. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. If I break the dam the crocodile will be washed away and I’ll be able to continue! Now I went within the boundaries of the dam. I pressed the flood button and ran. As soon as I got out the dam collapsed. I had just escaped. I decided to go home. I had way too much adventure that day.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
100 Word Challenge by Lukas
The demons and the one hundred legged spiders by Oscar
One dark, cold night, I was eating a pepperoni pizza on a 40 foot long cruise ship. I am a bull demon, or Sprtiosnemenis, I have two brothers and three sisters. My siblings are demons like me except I use a trident, not swords like my siblings.
Getting back to my pizza, mmmm I thought I just couldn't eat something so disgusting especially after fighting the huge void black hundred legged spiders who almost stole the sword of doom, which was hidden in the secret storage area in the of the ship. “Well done, guys for capturing the spiders and saving the sword of doom.
The Sleepover by Lyla
There I was, sitting at the dinner table with my friend Amberley because we were having a sleepover when suddenly I suddenly saw something yuck. It was a plate full of oven cooked snails. I just couldn’t eat something, so I stood up and said politely,“ I’m sorry but I am not hungry any more.” So there I was just about to leave the table. Ambie followed me. Then me and Ambie were just lying there looking at the roof. But then Ambie said, “Lyla you up”? “Yes”. I said.“Sup,”added Ambie. “Sup”. I said to her even though I don't really say it much.
The food by Victor
I was going to school I did the stuff that I usually do.Then it was morning tea when I opened my lunchbox it had lots of good things to eat.I ended up eating everything in my lunchbox expect the banana .If you don't know I hate bananas and my mum knows it to .I just couldn't eat something so squishy so I tidy up my lunchbox and I went to play.when Morning tea ended I noticed I had nothing for lunch. So I sended a email to my mum that I Need food.So at lunch I had really good food.
Horrible food by Chiaki
Once there lived a man called Donald trump. He had a meeting with Bill clinton.Trump said ‘’ would you like to eat something?’’...But then Trump changed his mind and yelled ‘’ if you want some food buy it yourself!’’ Bill cried out why? Why? Mr trump ,” he replied ‘’because if you want some food why do you have to ask me’’. So bill bought his food but then when he had a bite he said I just couldn’t something so disgusting trump ran away because he had nothing to do so he went back to the trump tower
The Grand Farm Girl by Havana
“Matilda!” Cried Matilda's mum. “Get your best clothes on and quick!” That day was going to Change Matilda's life forever…
“I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited mother!” Matilda said as the drove to the grand castle in the grand carriage. When they arrived they were escorted to the grand hall to talk business with the king when out the corner of Matilda's eye she spotted a mammoth, six foot tall strawberry cake! She sprinted over to cake and grabbed at it with her bare hands. She put it to her mouth when she thought I just couldn't eat something so amazingly beautiful then ate some of the amazing cake.
I woke up one morning I felt really weird.I think I was sick. I didn't feel well so I told my mum that I didn't feel well
‘’you can stay home today’’
She said softly. I was home for about two hours when my mum got home.She bought me a treat.It was a brown chocolaty wet lip licking chocolate cake it looked so good. I just couldn't eat something so sweet I said to my mum I cant eat it ‘’why not’’
She said it's to sweet i'm sorry I just can't eat it. I ate it in the end
One day my house got burgled, and The burglars left us with nothing. Every night I would have one peanut for dinner and would still be hungry because my family couldn’t afford dinner any more. One night my family ran out peanuts, so my parents made me soup which had nearly everything my parents had. When my parents finished making the soup they gave me most of it. I gulped I just…..I..I.I couldn’t eat something so….disgusting. I grabbed my spoon suddenly my soup turned into a green monster “you threatened Me” said the monster. “DDDIIIIEEE”
100 Word Challenge by Carmen
A british princess bratty girl named eliza was sitting counting her money “12345678 12345679 12345680 12345681 12345682 12345683” and so on but then her money separately dropped in value
And her family moved out to a small house. They shopped normally did everything normal but the worst thing was yet to come DINER her mom wiped up some food usually had the chef to cook but not now her mum could not cook for her life. She lade the food out eliza gulped “ I couldn't eat something so ----utterly positively revolting” “excuse me young lady go to your room” she went to bed without supper.
[ THE ALMIGHTY FRI ] by Jayden
YAY, it’s FRIDAY, well I don’t like Friday because it’s the last day of the week until the weekends I LOVE it because it’s the the day i get to eat fries all day! Breakfast:fries Morning Tea:Fries Lunch:FRIES! Dinner:FrIeS!!!!
The schedule for today is Breakfast:French fries Morning Tea:Crinkle Cut Fries Lunch:Curly Fries Dinner:??? Huh? Why is there NO fri on dinner?
Hmmm well I guess it’s a mystery fri welp I’ll have to find Out at dinner time…
WOW IT’S SOO AWESOME!! It’s crisp it’s straight, I just couldn't eat something so GOOD So No dinner for me tonight...
Friday, May 12, 2017
Scarlett's 100WC
As i made my way through the woods I kept a sharp eye out for something to shoot with by bow and arrows. The sun was setting and the sky was beginning to darken I decided to make camp under a tree somewhere. I soon found the perfect tree, it was near a stream. I just couldn't eat something so I could get fish as well as water from the stream. I gathered some large branches and leaned them against the trunk of the tree to make a shelter,I lay down on the floor and went straight to sleep.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
100 Word Challenge by Tom S
There is a scary lady who lives next door, she eats the most disgusting and smelly food.
She has an aggressive dog and a dangerous wild cat who attacks people when they walk past her house. Yesterday she gave a smelly, gross fish to Mum.
I just couldn’t eat something so gross and smelly. I had to have a big drink of ginger ale and carefully went up the long, spooky stairs to my big bed where I jumped into my warm, bed.
When I finally got to sleep all I dreamt of was the gross smelly fish that the lady next door gave us for tea.
Dear Diary by Zara
The big beauty by Morag
I feel sick! by Ilja
This is the day I got sick, really really sick. I woke up in the morning. But when I went downstairs my stomach started to hurt, really badly. When I got to the kitchen mum gave me some pancakes. I couldn’t eat something, so I told my mum what had happened. That's when I vomited. Mum rushed me to bed. “Mum I’m fine.” I said.
“You’re not!” she replied. I tried to stand up but I was too weak and fell over. “See? Stay in bed.” she said as I got back into bed. I want to say more but I feel a bit too sick.
Food disaster by Risha Hingorani
I was sitting on my desk eating because it was raining. Suddenly I heard a kid shout “ Food torcher!”, I didn’t know what to do so I ran. I ran outside but saw people running towards me. Finally one of them grabbed me, these kids don’t go to our school. “ Congratulations!” she shouted, “ What’s going on!”. A boy ran towards me with a pizza, he stuffed it in my mouth and ran away, I just couldn’t eat something so different in taste. I was left there all alone, It was time, I said my last words then I was gone….
100 word Challenge by Keagan
Once upon a time there were four boys Keagan, Luke, Logan and Toby they really liked to go places and one day they went to the woods. They stayed there for two months. The first week they started setting up a little hut. Two weeks later they found a village fifty miles away but they said they don’t want to walk that far to a village. The last week they started to run out of food they were struggling to find food but when they found something to eat Luke found something to eat and he said ”I just couldn't eat something so nauseating.”
The day I killed a panda By Troy
My name is Troy I suppose you want to know why I killed the panda right? This is why I killed the panda. I was lost in a forest after a hike. I was trying to find a place to sleep but what I found wasn’t a place to sleep I found the panda. At the time I thought it was a bear but I was wrong since I thought it was a bear I killed it with my knife. Even though I killed it I didn’t eat it. You might want to know why I didn't eat it, I just couldn't eat something so cute.
The worst holiday ever by Charlie
The Worst Day Ever by Flynn
Hi my name is Toby and today is the worst day ever. I hopped on the bus like normal but when it became morning tea I returned to my bag to find my lunch box was not there!!! I rushed to the office to say that I had no lunch but just as I was about to open the door to the office the bell rang.
I rushed back to class to double maths. After maths it was lunch there was no choice but to eat from the cafeteria I just couldn't eat something so revolting. So I went home and got expelled.
Mum's Surprise by Caitlin
My mother bought a beautiful cake home from the store down the road. They make the best foods in Khandallah.When I went to eat it I first went to eat it with my face then I thought again and get my knife and fork and chop up and eat my slice. Mmmmm it’s delicious and squishy. Yum! Mum eats hers and says as she eats “chomp chomp mmmmm! This is delicious!”.“Great she likes it” I thought . “After all this is good cake and I like it too much I can’t eat any more”. I think mum is very nice to buy a cake
Mints vs. Oats by Sofia
I’m in my loose box with my head over the rail when a girl comes striding toward me. Yey it’s time for breakfast I think. When the girl is in front of my loose box, I shove my muzzle into her coat for a mint but I can’t find any. “Oh no you don’t, not until you eat all you’re oats” says Alex “oats” I winny in disgust.
“Go on” Alex said holding out a mint, I lunge for it but she is ready and sidesteps out of the way. “Humf,” I neigh. I have one more look, I just couldn’t eat something so disgusting.
Unexpected Inspiration by Georgia
“Mr. Cafabulan, have you any ideas for a new reality show” questioned the janitor Mr Portillo “and can you change the food you give me, it’s really gross and I couldn’t eat something so disgusting?” Mr. Cafabulan thought carefully for a moment and then leapt out of his office chair screaming: “Eureka! I’ll make a contest for really gross food! I’ll start it immediately!” Mr Portillo was shocked, with his body hair standing on end, but kept on cleaning the floors to his heart’s content.
“Wow.” he thought to himself. “I really hope that doesn’t EVER happen again.”
Saturday, May 6, 2017
The Slime Alligator by Caitlin
The smelly green slime dripped through the cracks in the wall and slime slowly oozed along the pipe. A single person peeped letting in a ray of light . Up came the alligators and away ran the man down the street and into his house. The children didn’t know that he'd seen an alligator . They just said “hi daddy how was work? ”Dad said “good” and put away his coat and went to the kitchen to see his wife. Astra said “Eliot why have you got so much slime on you?” as she put away a plate.“Well go and clean yourself!”.
Slime! By Sofia
I was at school with my friend’s Mary and Lucy. Then Lucy stopped in mid sentence and suddenly screamed “behind you.” “What?” I said “um just a giant slime monster!” Shouted Lucy looking like she had sene a ghost. Mary and I started to turn around “don’t” said Lucy, but it was to late Havana and I had already turned. We stood petrified staring at the slime monster. I reached my hand out to touch it, “nooo” Lucy and Mary at the same time. I was about a centimeter away when the slime dripped through my hand.It flit all sticky and weird.
Giant Slime Monster by Lyla
I was at the park, with my two friends Havana and Sofia but just then, we heard something. “ Guys, do you hear that,?” Said Havana. looked at Havana.
“ Uh, there is a… Giant slime monster behind you! We ran away but the monster started to.catch up.Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh!” Sofia shouted! The slime dripped through the grass as the monster still chasing us. But then, I spotted a huge bucket of water. “Quick Havana, get that big bucket of water with Sofia and I will get him to chase me”. Then they friends went and came back with a bucket of water and poured it on the monster. “We did it!” We shouted.
Yash's First 100 Word Challenge
The slime dripped to the lake
Their was a little boy . He was called as little prince. He was a very notty boy . One day he got a car the next day he got a doll , from his nottythings. He did and did did and did and did. The next day he went shopping ,he saw a slime he asked his mom can you by it for me his mother said no! For a while let me do some Nottyness so he threw stone on a dog , then hit the bonnet of a car and then hit a girls stomach. So his mother got anger and brought the slime for him. By mistake the slime slipped to a lake
The Big Walk by Jacob
It was November 1964 and me and my family were going on a good old fashioned walk .We walked up a steep hill " Mummy are we home yet? " I said as we began the walk . Finally we got home I was so thirsty I ran to the kitchen sink I grabbed a cup I turned on the tap and the slime dripped through ... "What's going on? " I took the tap off and found a little, green alien spitting slime into the tap. "Daddy do you know how this alien got here? " yes, I put it there " laughed dad Turning into an big, green alien
The Murder Mystery by Troy
I was walking through the long driveway to the apparently haunted house. When I went in the apparently haunted house I was very surprised to see the body of Flynn lying on the floor dead. What I didn't know was that Flynn wasn't dead he was the person that haunted the house. Five minutes later I went to the front of the house and Flynn’s body was gone. Then I heard a creaking sound “it’s Flynn he’s the only other person here” I thought. Suddenly there was a strong scent of acid slime then the slime dripped through the ceiling and onto my head.
Slime Monster by Logan
One day a boy named jake was getting ready for school then he started walking to school and he saw his friend bob running towards me. Bob stopped and puffed "remember that since project?" "yes" replied jake “well…. The thing we made….. Turned into…… a……...slime……..MONSTER!!!”
Bang! “No, bob don’t give up on me Bob. Oh no he’s gone.” “ok i’m going to school alright and i am going to check it out. So he got to school and he saw nothing and suddenly the slime monster grabbed jake and the slime dripped through jake’s head and jake was never to be again.
The Slime Attack by Zara
One day a girl called Lilly (aka the devil child) had an idea to haunt the upstairs neighbor so she decide to make a monster blob called …….. HENRY (aka a angle)she sent him up stairs and then the slimed dripped through the roof and then the slime Henry said in. “Godly voice I do not like your evil ways” and sent her to the underworld you would think a god couldn't do that but they can anyways in the underworld Lilly said “GRR I WILL GET YOU HENRY” she was also never seen again also Henry is Zeus the God of everything
The Slime by Eva S
One day at school I was in my classroom waiting for the roll to be called, Then I noticed a Owl falling to the ground. So I rushed outside and caught it just in time. The poor owl looked at me, then suddenly slime was dripping down to the ground I ran with the owl in my hands but it was too late, the slime cornered me at the school gates. I tried desperately to open them’ but the wouldn't open. Without a choes I threw the owl over the gate. The slime jumped then...
To be continued da da da daaa
100 word challenge by Flynn
“We are all going to die”. Said Jayden. “Really”, said Reuben. “Yeah look around”. The slime dripped through. “Oh nice to know, We like soooo have to escape.” said Reuben. “But I am so tired”. Said Jayden. “That slime is as black as tar. Now come on”. Said Reuben. “FINE”. said Jayden. “But first we must celebrate PENGUINS”. “Fine”. “celebrate PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!”
“Ok now we escape get to the life rafts on the boat”. “Ok, lets go”. “FINE. see I am on the life raft”. “That's the toilet”. “So it is”. “Let's go home now, I want to see my family”. “So be it bye”.
The Slime Monster by Ilja
Have you heard about the experiment that badly wrong? Well if you haven’t stick around, and if you have then how about hearing it again? So there was a girl called Madison. Now Madison decided to make a… GIANT BUNNY! But it went badly wrong. “AHHHHHHHH!” Madison screamed, as her bunny exploded and out came a big blob of slime! She ran downstairs to the broom closet. But the slime dripped through! The roof cracked and the slime jumped down! “AHHHHHHHH! It’s Henry!” Madison screamed. “My name is BOB!” The slime screamed back. “I SHALL KILL YOU!” Bob screamed. No-one ever saw her again.
Jeff's First Kill by Reuben
Once upon a time there was a boy named Bob he was a very nice boy he would always goes to bed at six o’clock and say “goodnight” to his parents. One night Bob went to bed he looked up at the ceiling there was this strange green light coming from a crack in the ceiling “slime?” Jeff thought. “Yep thats definitely slime” said Bob. Bob was scared the slime dripped through the crack in the ceiling and fell onto his bedroom floor then it turned into a teenager it steared at Bob with a freaky smile “ My name is JJJJEEEEFFF”
Jeff said. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!.....”
The Slime Fest by Sam G
Back in the old days of a time called the fest. It is a time that there is nothing but slime for the next three hundred days. But one little girl living in a village wanted to get rid of the slime. But the thing that was holding her back was her own fear of going out of the village.
The slime has just reached the edge of the village and has now started to mob the streets.The slime came to the little girls house. It came from all angles. Now the slime was covering the house and then suddenly the girl screamed out as loud as she could “the slime dripped through!” it was as loud as a lions roar. The village was coming to an end.
There was no sign of an old village anywhere not nothing to be seen.
Horror! by Charlie
Once I was going on a school trip to the melbourne aquarium to see whale sharks. But they died.
“When the sharks died they this weird green slime inside them”said the nurse “what is it!”said a five year old “that is what we don't know” said the nurse. “What types of sharks did you have we had tiger, whale sharks, great white sharks and a megalodon “LIES!!!” said a 10 year old called Billy he is very annoying “Megalodons di Billy did not have time to finish, slime dripped through the ceiling on to Billy's head and he screamed and died.
100 Word Challenge by Tom H
The slime dripped through the wall. I said “What the heck”! It smelled like jello that had expired in 1945 and you had kept that jello in a sweaty sock and mixed that green jello with some red jello that would have expired 1923 and filled it with dirt. The slime grew and grew luckily I found some soap and tried to stop it. It chased me by oozing to me “Get off me you little!” It jumped on the toilet bowl, I punched it in and flushed it down the toilet. The slimy gurgling echoed across my bathroom “phew!”
The Slime by Victor
Once I went for a walk and I fell into a hole.there was some slime .The slime dripped through a pipe and melted it.More of it dripped down. I ran but couldn't find the hole I fell down. I thought this was my end.But someone grabbed me and threw out .It hurt but it was worth it .I got worried . the slime kept on spreading .I kept on running .The slime kept on spreading.then the person who saved me threw a bomb at it the slime all disappeared. I was very happy .the person he went back to his house.
The Booger Meltdown by Risha H
Vandan was sitting on his bed quietly reading. His wall started to MELT, later it turned to slime and got hard, a few more minutes later it turned into a chair. Vandan quickly got a jar and put some slime in it, he ran to a famous lab owned by a man named “ Leonardo Da Vinci”, he showed Leonard “ Hmm, this seems like some type of..Snot! This is amazing I’ll lock this up and make chairs with it!”. In the meantime Leonardo created a bottle and put the slime in it, the slime dripped through the bottle and they all turned into chairs!!!!
The Evil Chocolate by Risha S
One day Alisa was washing her clothes when she heard a noise it sounded like something that was dripping underneath our feet maybe possibly in the sowers.
When I head closer to south it got quieter so it turned around and I followed the noise until she reached the sowers.
5 minutes later I found the sower that lead to it so I hopped in and i saw a chocolate looking slime.
It looked so appetizing so I dipped my finger and tasted it.
It tasted like chocolate but something happened I started to puke.
The next day it never woke up It was probably from the borate.
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Prison Break by Caleb
One day in prison a man named Jeff broke his cell bars. One of guards heard him break the cell bars and got out his gun. But Jeff was fast h...
My most treasured item is medium size. It is round and it does not stretch. It does not open; it bounces. You can throw it to someone an...
Once there was a Pug who liked daffodils and movies. One day he got sucked into a movie. He was driving a car on a huge bridge that fe...
I've been friends with him for 3 years. I play with him whenever I want. It bounces, jumps, rolls away from me but I always catch up to...